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Feature documentary

*Official Competition Sheffield Docfest

*Official Competition New York Film Festival

*Best Documentary winner, Indian Cine Festival

*Best International Documentary nominee, Grierson Awards

*Best Feature nominee, One World Media Awards

Mumbai High The Musical is a dizzying and unique musical extravaganza. Set in a school in Dharavi, Mumbai, the biggest slum in Asia, it combines observational footage of the children’s daily lives, with songs reflecting their hopes and dreams.

Fourteen year old Mary lives with her parents and two sisters on the pavement of a busy road.  They have a rudimentary shelter and they all sleep on the floor, sometimes with rats running over them. Mary and the other characters have their dreams and ambitions and believe they can achieve them through education.  They are clever, bright, motivated and they sing! 


This is no ordinary documentary, this is the very first Bollywood style documentary musical.  Mixed in with the traditional observational footage of the school are specially composed and choreographed song and dance numbers which the children (and teachers!) perform with incredible skill and charm.  No film has ever been made like this, it’s a perfect way to capture the unbreakable optimism and exuberance of youth. But this is not a depressing examination of extreme poverty, it’s an uplifting celebration of human spirit and endeavour, and it sets out to tell a wider tale of India.

"Uniquely, this wonderful programme is really a ‘musical documentary’ about the life of children.  Charming, uplifting, with great songs and dancing.  A joy." - The Observer

"This was the life-affirming film of the week" - The Times

Copyright Sam Benstead
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