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Theatrical documentary, Ventureland

*Nominee for Academy Award for Best Documentary

*Winner Best Doc at Boston Film Festival & Hamptons Film Festival & Audience award

*Nominee for 5 British Independent Film Awards,

*Nominee for Critics Choice and One World awards

Born in the slums of Kampala, Bobi Wine, Ugandan opposition leader, former member of parliament, activist and national superstar musician, risks his life and the lives of his wife, Barbie, and their children to fight the ruthless regime led by Yoweri Museveni. Museveni has been in power since 1986 and changed Uganda’s constitution to enable him to run for yet another five-year term.


Running in the country’s 2021 presidential elections, Bobi Wine uses his music to denounce the dictatorial regime and support his life mission to defend the oppressed and the voiceless people of Uganda. In this fight, he must also take on the country’s police and military, which are not afraid to use violence and torture in a vain attempt to intimidate and silence him and his supporters.

Copyright Sam Benstead
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